
William Bosisto

Finance Consultant

P: 0438 620 888        E: will@searchm.com.au

Meet Will, our friendly mortgage broker based in Perth, with a passion for helping people across Australia navigate the complexities of property buying and refinancing. Since 2021, Will has been dedicated to ensuring his clients secure the best financing options for their significant life investments.

With experience playing cricket overseas in the UK, Will brings a global perspective and determination to his role as a broker. He is committed to easing your concerns and addressing all your mortgage needs by using his knowledge and resources to make informed decisions and provide you with expert advice.

Will is here to support you and help you start making smarter, more informed choices about your mortgage. Reach out to Will to embark on your property journey with confidence.

A Q&A with Will Bosisto;

What inspired you to transition into the mortgage broking industry?

I’m passionate about securing people’s future wealth, and since a house and home loan are big assets and financial commitments for most people, I wanted to ensure they are educated and well-supported throughout their journey. I love real estate and the property market, and I believe in the benefits of educated property investment.

What are some common misconceptions clients have about the mortgage process and how do you address them?

Many clients think there are ‘catches’ or that the offer of free financial service seems ‘too good to be true’. With access to over 60 lenders and their products, I can tailor your loan to your personal circumstances. Mortgage brokers are driven to save you money on your home loan, which is why around 75% of loans are written by brokers. Another common misconception is that first-home buyers need a 20% deposit to buy a house, but there are various options available depending on your circumstances.

Can you share a memorable success story where you helped a client achieve their property ownership goals?

One of my favourite success stories is helping a couple in country SA achieve homeownership for the first home with just a 5% deposit. Not only that, but I also assisted their son in buying his dream car with asset finance assistance. It’s moments like these that make my job so rewarding!

What other passions do you have outside of mortgage broking?

Outside of mortgage broking, my main passion is my family and friends. I enjoy living a healthy, active lifestyle which includes playing and supporting various sports like cricket, golf, Aussie rules football, and surfing. I also love travelling and exploring different cultures around the world.

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